Шон Роден

(Shawn Rhoden) США

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Галерея фотографий Шон Роден. Фото 44 из 1353
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Комментарии пользователей

Опубликовано Саша 29.01.2014 в 14:56

Кто такой виллиам кауцки?

Опубликовано Дмитрий Тарасов 27.03.2014 в 22:59

Это не обязательно должен быть известный человек, может чел известен в рамках этого трен зала и был уважаем.

Опубликовано Boris Petrovich 27.03.2014 в 23:03

Скорее всего так,тем более,что прожил он не слишком много

Опубликовано Вася Иванов-Кводфазеринский 27.03.2014 в 23:11



Его страница на бб.ком


Имел страницу тут http://www.steroidology.com/forum/members/101lifts2.html


Увлекался мотоциклами, за что и поплатился. Братюни на мотофорумах отзываются о нем страсть как хорошо. В зале, который на фото, он непрерывно занимался последние лет 5 перед смертью


This is an email I got from Bryan, his workout partner. I asked if it was OK to post it here and he said yes


Yeah, Bill was my training partner, room-mate, best friend, mentor, savior, and the father I never had. He was and still is the most important person in the world to me, more important than any relatives. My love for Bill is more powerful than any I've ever had for any girlfriend, or relative, and this is no exaggeration.


We originally met over the internet in 2006 via bodybuilding.com's message board, because he was seeking a personal trainer. Shortly after initial greetings we began talking over the phone, and our conversations were always more friendly than business, with most of the actual training stuff being done through e-mails. We did that for two years, and never met in person during that time, but during 2008 things began to change. My work dried up to the point I was already starving, about to be homeless, and had no hope. Bill provided that hope, and did something you would only expect to see in movies - he took me in, put a roof over my head, and helped me get back on my feet. During a time where I was a shell of a person he became my emotional support; whenever I felt like I was slipping back he would pull me back up. He was tremendously gentle in how he did it, and exercised a level of patience over the years that is frankly beyond my comprehension. He was my rock of Gibraltar.

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Опубликовано Саша 1.06.2014 в 13:11

Спасибо парни

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